Monday, December 30, 2013


Switzerland is not the grand central base of the knights templer's going underground.  Scotland is at least as historically likely as Switzlerland to be the major place where a lot of the Knights templer's went too.

I support Sean Hross's efforts to be free of harassment.  How he managed to be born and raised as white South African of Boer ethnicity during Apartheid South Africa, join the South African Military, yet defect and desert white racist South African Army in 1981, hook up with and marry a Swiss woman knock her up with his first child, his son Miron, divorce  "Gabriella" the Swiss disco party animal bitch, who retained exclusive custody of his child who, according to Sean, she allegedly left alone with strangers to be completely kidnapped and abducted, then  MARRY ANOTHER SWISS WOMAN AND sire 3 or 4 more children, and stay married with his 2nd beloved wife for 14 or 15 YEARS with his anchor babies!, and then end up completely persecuted as a foreigner CONVINCED SWITZERLAND IS THE WORST PLACE ON EARTH!, yet valiantly tryING TO raise a family peacefully in Switzerland anyways is FUCKING PERPLEXING to me as it should be with any critical thinker, (AND THAT'S AN UNDERSTATEMENT), but I totally support his efforts to do so anyways because he has opened up a great window into some of the mysteries of my ancestors, the early Anabaptists the wholesomeness of the original Swiss Confederation before the Templar's hijacked it, awakening the genetic memory of my "past lives" with spiritual heritage I wouldn't ordinarily know anything about.  I still retain pride in my Swiss German heritage because there is also a spiritual side to finding one's home in Mountains in all Mountain cultures of the world.  And I still  find the natural wonders of that land Beautiful.  Is Switzerland the worse place on earth, the base of "all evil"?  Like Sean Hross says? . . . Ugliness, like beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


  1. Sean Hross is a crackpot, he makes conections of events, names, he does have a vivid imagination, he makes vast generalisations which are nothing less than bigoted assumtions. He rants, he rambles and the wheel goes on.

    1. You've said nothing of substance, Carlos. Yes, Hross rants. I will give you that. But Sean Hross backs up and documents pretty much all he says. One must watch his videos In entirety.

  2. Beauty is in the blind hearted spirit of the beholder, never the eye. Tell this to anyone who is BLIND, as in no sight of eye. Maybe Helen Keller can teach us all a thing or two. And Helen Keller's teacher, wow, what a woman, what a sweet sweet spirited loving woman to have the patience and know how to communicate with a deaf and blind girl. Gotta love Nick Juvicki too, he was born with no arms and no legs. What an inspiration he is.
